Ken jij de landen in Europa? Top Quizzes with Similar Tags. If you are under 14 years old, ask your parent or guardian to read this message before continuing. A list of all the public JetPunk quizzes released by user relessness. Remplissez la carte d'Europe en cliquant sur le nom des pays surlignés en bleu. Delete Quiz. Créé par punkfrancais. European trivia on JetPunk. ... a car produced in the United States and sold in Europe. En français (et beaucoup d'autre langues européennes), il y a deux possibilités aussi mais pour la plupart on utilise la version plus courte - "la Tchéquie". Wear your thinking caps, take the quiz, and answer the following questions. Informations additionnelles concernant ce quiz >>. en Allemagne. Tchèquie est acceptable. Share. En tchèque on dit tous le deux - - "Česko" et "Česká republika" ; en anglais on utilise plutôt la version plus longe et plus formelle - "the Czech Republic" bien que la version plus courte - "Czechia" - ait été introduite récemment. Europe, occupying the western end of the Eurasian land mass, is the second smallest of the continents. This quiz is incomplete! East Asia: countries quiz East Asia is the eastern subregion of the Asian continent and includes China, Japan, Mongolia, North Korea and South Korea and Taiwan. JetPunk Premium Member. in Scotland. Les Tchèques ont à la fois une forme longue et la forme courte dans de nombreuses langues. Quiz de géographie. Pays d'Europe: Tweet. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Test your knowledge on this language quiz and compare your score to others. aux Pays-Bas. Although, yes, Armenia is completely in Asia. en France. Considérant que TOUS les autres quiz sur ce site, sans exception, continuent d'utiliser le nom "République tchèque", je crois qu'il serait normal de faire de même ici. To play this quiz, please finish editing it. BRAND NEW: Check out my other fun quizzes including a brand new logo quiz, one all about food, a challenging art and literature quiz and my 50 world geography trivia questions. de même que le vrai nom de la Bosnie est Bosnie-Herzegovine.. .A changer ! Google Classroom Microsoft Teams LTI. Use the free Europe map puzzle as a quiz to test your knowledge of the countries and capitals. medical services not provided due to preventative health care. The euro (€) is the official currency of 19 out of 28 EU countries. You have exceeded the maximum number of activities that can be shared in Google Classroom for your account type. The map puzzle helps in learning the location of the countries in Europe and their relation to other countries. Popular Quizzes Today. Play a multiple-choice style quiz on European capitals. C'était mieux avant quand y avait deux colonnes. Mais c'est seulement mon impression, je peux me tromper (je suis tchéque). Random Quiz. "Countries Location Maps Quiz" is a geographical test, that allow you to check your knowledge of the political maps of the world! Tags: Question 7 . Play Guess Geography: Countries of Europe en Écosse. au Pays de Galles. République tchèque !!! :p Ca devrait être changé !! Educaplay uses its own and third-party cookies for anonymous analytical purposes, save the preferences you select, personalize the advertising you see based on your browsing habits and for the general operation of the page. 46 États souverains ayant au moins une partie de leur territoire en Europe ou un État indépendant "de facto" (République du Kosovo). in Holland. Serbia still considers Kosovo to be one of its regions. It's like how part of Russia and Kazakhstan is in Europe because the Urals split part of it off too. Quizzes cover 6 topics about the European countries: Locations on a map Capital cities Most populous cities Flags Coat of arms Country abbreviations (ISO 3166-2) You can also choose between 2 quiz formats: Find the countries on a map … en tant que descendante de tchèque, de la part de mon grand-père j'ai toujours entendu tchéquie, république tchèque c'était juste en cours d'histoire.. République tchèque est un nom plus récent que Tchéquie. depuis quand Chypre est GEOGRAPHIQUEMENT en Europe ??? Sans compter que le "nouveau" nom semble être très très peu usité, considérant que je n'avais jamais entendu une seule personne l'utiliser, et j'évolue dans un milieu où le voyage est omniprésent. Various activites including 2 quizzes, map labelling, flag matching and colouring. Start studying Pays europe. Geography Quiz / Pays d'Europe Random Geography Quiz Pouvez-vous nommer tous les pays d'Europe ? If you want to continue inserting activities in Microsoft Teams, purchase a, Create your own free activity from our activity creator, Compete against your friends to see who gets the best score in this activity. Summary # of Quizzes: 1,027 # Featured: 255 # Subscribers Kosovo declared independence from Serbia on 17 February 2008. Try to guess all of them in "Countries of Europe" map quiz game. France : … These are great quizzes, suitable for a wide range of learning stages at any time of the school year! Là, on est obligé de scroller tout le temps, c'est chiant. Gagnez du temps en utilisant les Raccourcis Clavier. All these quizzes have something to do with Europe. As of 11 June 2013, the Republic of Kosovo has received 103 diplomatic recognitions as an independent state. in Spain. in France. You can accept all cookies by clicking the "Accept" button or configure or reject their use by clicking the "Set up" button. You have exceeded the maximum number of activities that can be shared in Microsoft Teams for your account type. au Portugal. To play this quiz, please finish editing it. Céline Geenens. Flags of Europe - Map Quiz Game. For fun? Remplissez la carte d'Europe en cliquant sur le nom des pays surlignés en bleu. Quiz de géographie. Les Pays en Europe - Vocabulaire. Switzerland Trivia Questions & Answers : Europe This category is for questions and answers related to Switzerland, as asked by users of Former Yugoslavia. It has a lot of countries with great historical background. Multiple Choice. From famous cities like London and Paris to lesser known capitals like Ljubljana in Slovenia, this quiz game is a quick way to learn all the European capitals. Average: 9.25. in Northern Ireland. in Ireland. Top Quizzes Today in Geography. C'est la République Tchèque !! Test and improve your knowledge of the countries of Europe using the many standard and customizable quizzes available in the Countries of Europe Quiz app. This quiz game has 3 difficulty levels. Before you go to the next level we’d recommend to take other quizzes like “Countries of North America”, “Countries of South America”, “Countries of Europe”, “Countries of Asia”, “Countries of Africa” and “Countries of Australia”. in Wales. Key Concepts: Terms in this set (18) en Angleterre. Top Quizzes Today. Tags: Country Quiz, Europe Quiz, French Quiz, Translation Quiz, France, map, Picture Click. Et sinon un peu facile... J'avais rien compris au début j'cliquais sur tous les noms mdrr. Accuracy: A team of editors takes feedback from our visitors to keep trivia as up to date and as accurate as possible.Complete quiz index can be found here: Switzerland Quizzes There are 44 questions on this topic. Students can develop their knowledge of the geography of EUROPE in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, using FRENCH as the means of communication. About quiz | Top scores | Edit quiz | Delete Quiz Click on: Start Score: 0 / 0 Remaining questions: 2 Time taken: 0 Europe is an interesting place to learn. Actually, a portion of Georgia and Azerbaijan are in Europe. in Germany. Simple question de gros bon sens et d'harmonie! C'est pas Tchéquie ou République Tchèque qui me semble perturbant, mais plutôt l'absence de Chypre, membre de l'UE. Capitals & Countries 1 quiz. For … L'Europe (pronounced: ö-rop) is a continent of more than forty different countries or pays.They vary in size, spoken languages, and history. Be the first to stay in the ranking! Countries With Two Capitals. SURVEY . in England. They will help you to prepare for the next levels. L'absence de la Turquie (voir du Kazakhstan) est plus contestable, mais c'est le parti-pris de Jetpunk sur tous les quiz Europe. Find the US States - No Outlines Minefield 14,363; Erase the World 5,111; Countries of the World 5,085; Find the US States 4,547; US States 3,954; Erase the USA (No Skips) 3,145 Find the Countries of Europe - No Outlines Minefield 2,616; Countries of Europe 2,569; Subcategory Multiple Choice: Geography II 2,548; Find the US States Ultimate Minefield 2,185 Europe: Capitals Quiz 1 - Map Quiz Game: Are you having trouble remembering whether Ljubljana is in Slovenia or Slovakia? France : arrondissements de Paris. pays: États nains: nombre: mode de jeu: détails de la carte: note: Europe Par définition, Strahlenbergs. Learn the world countries locations maps! Also interesting facts about Europe are waiting for you at the bottom of a page. Continuez à faire défiler vers le bas pour obtenir les réponses et plus de stats ... Ce n'est pas la Tchéquie ! It occupies nearly one-fifteenth of the world’s total land area. W ogóle nie rozumiem co piszecie, ale myślę że ten quiz był naprawdę ciężki dla mnie. If you want to continue inserting activities in Google Classroom, purchase a. I have used mine as part of our European Day of Languages work. This multiple-choice quiz game will make you an expert on the capital cities of Europe in no time. Cartoon Quiz Europe. They’ll keep you busy! Et puisque l'on incorpore la Russie, j'imagine pour sa partie occidentale souvent considérée comme continentalement européenne, on pourrait imaginer voir figurer aussi la Turquie, pour sa partie située en Europe continentale à l'Ouest de Bosphore. Ce n'est plus la Macédoine mais la Macédoine du Nord, Les 100 prénoms les plus portés en France, Départements français par deux premières lettres. Countries of the World 1,242; Find the Countries of Europe in Their Official Language 10; Top 10 European Languages Blitz 8; Find the Countries of Europe in German 4; Find the Countries of Europe in French 3; Find the Countries of Asia in Their Official Language 3; Europe Map by Languages 3; Find the Countries of Africa in Their Official Language 2 en Irlande du Nord. Current quiz contains flags of 42 countries . Currently you’re on level 1 (the easiest). The long processes of history marked it off as the home of a distinctive civilization. by Kaahr Plays Quiz not verified by Sporcle . You can obtain more information and reconfigure your preferences at any time in the Cookies policy. Can you pick the countries of Europe when given their names in French? Play < Capitals index. en Espagne. Scroll down and you’ll find my capital cities quiz questions and answers. A part of them is separated off into Europe through the Caucasus. These countries are collectively known as the Eurozone.Which countries use the euro? The Industrial Revolution is the name given the movement in which machines changed people's way of life as well as their methods of manufacture. But can you do this in reverse, too? Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star . Insert. Kongregate free online game Guess Geography: Countries of Europe - Need to learn the countries of Europe for school? Europe : les pays. Try our fun, colorful new cartoon quiz on the countries of Europe! Tchéquie se traduit par leur propre «Česko» ou «Czechia» en anglais - et ce n'est pas une chose nouvelle - voir ici: Please see the notes box for information on the disputed status of Taiwan. in Belgium. Played: 1524691. en Belgique. Les pays d'Europe Map Quiz. Ce quiz a été conçu pour donner aux jeunes un bref aperçu de ce qu’est l’Union européenne. Chypre, à proximité de L'Anantolie, de la Syrie et du Liban, est entièrement en Asie. Share Copy copied. Pays d'Europe - Carte Quiz. en Irlande. Il peut être utilisé comme une activité indépendante ou parallèlement à la publication «L’Europe & moi».. Ce quiz comporte quatre sections contenant chacune 13 ou 12 questions. Quiz Pays Europe. There are still no results for this activity. Europe, second smallest of the world’s continents, composed of the westward-projecting peninsulas of Eurasia (the great landmass that it shares with Asia). So can you select the correct country when a capital is given? Educaplay is a contribution of ADR Formacion to the educational community. Je pense que ça dépend de la langue. Start studying Les Pays en Europe. You're at the good place! Learn about the Netherlands and other countries with two capitals. Capitals & Countries 2 Next > Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. europe countries, capital cities & flags - 4 quizzes in french! Copy copied foreign language landen van europa geographie les pays Recommended age: 14 years old 0 times made Created by. Top Quizzes Today in Language. Many capital quizzes are about selecting the correct capital. La différence entre la Russie et la Turquie, c'est que la première a sa capitale dans sa partie européenne. Belgium.