Effect: This turns all characters into black silhouettes, although light will still shine off them. This will splash to anyone in the vicinity (yourself included). 4.6 out of 5 stars 525. How to unlock the 100% achievement in LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga: Complete the game to 100%. Thanks to C.J. I haven't gotten the Complete Saga yet, but here's what I know from Lego Star Wars II: Fertilizer: Press Circle while riding an animal and they take a small dump. Shows the location of the red brick if it hasn't been found already. Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga Action Replay Codes (DS) Also see Cheats for more help on Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga. Dispatched from and sold by EnterPlus. Effect: As it says, you will not be docked hearts if hit by an enemy. It DOESN'T work on gun emplacements or other things you'd need to blow up to move ahead, like AT-ATs. With this on, this extra allows you to play as 16 characters you normally can't play as. Jango and Boba Fett can now fire rockets from their jetpacks. You have a red saber to play with, too. Once it is unlocked, an extra can be accessed by going to the Start Menu, and then going into the Extras Menu. LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga is the third LEGO Star Wars video game . ♣ Indicates a Non-Playab… It also includes new levels such as the bounty hunter pursuit from Episode 2: Attack of the Clones. - Requires 10 gold bricks to access This is the only extra or power brick you don't have to buy to make available ///// E2 - Extra Toggle Adds characters in Free Play. LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga ... "Extra Toggle" Characters. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. It is a combination of LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game and its sequel LEGO Star Wars 2: The Original Trilogy. Effect: Activate this and all characters will have a fake nose and glasses on. Effect: If you're a droid, press B with this active and you'll blow up. 4.4 out of 5 stars 79. You can actually use this within a group of enemies to take them out, and it acts as a Thermal Detonator, blowing up shiny objects. PC. See Score X2 above for more info. Sadly, you will still only take one heart off bosses. See Section Extra Toggle Characters for more info. Furthermore, certain Extras cannot be used in Character Bonus or Minikit Bonus (which I explain in that section). Disarms all storm/clone troopers with blasters. Extra toggle is an extra in Lego Star Wars:The Complete Saga and Lego Star Wars II:The Original Trilogy. All Droids can pass through gases. With this active, hold down Z while in a vehicle and any flying or walking enemies on screen will be destroyed. Note: All playable characters except Droids and several Extra-Toggle characters can punch enemies, build with LEGO Objects, pull Levers and dive. From £8.49 to buy season. Morton for clearing this up. Effect: This seriously shortens your build time. Effect: Activate this and the Chewbacca character will have a mildly displaced Threepio on his back, regardless of whether or not you're controlling him, nor if Threepio is already there. Arrives: Jan 15 - 19 Details. YouTuber, Sovern Gaming, really likes the LEGO Star Wars games. … [[Category:]] Stranger 1, Stranger 2, Hero 1, and Hero 2 is a character that appeared in LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy and after. Click on the link to be taken to that mission and the means to get it. Effect: This actually makes Jawas and Ugnaughts (somewhat) useful. All characters with zappers will do damage with zapper. Effect: Score multiplies by 8. Note that despite being Brick #35, this one is found in VI-6. LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga. Effect: Very useful, and very expensive. Effect: This is on by default. Effect: When using this extra along with Fertilizer, pressing Z on a bantha, dewback, or tauntaun will cause it to poop money! This increases your stud pickup radius considerably, making collecting SO much quicker. These adventures were originally released as two separate games, but here - on this disc - they're combined. Of course, since I tell you where to find them all in this guide, you won't find many uses, will you? However, you will still react and be interrupted if you're Forcing something or building something. (2) Click the Games Menu. The game was announced on May 25, 2007 and released for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii and Nintendo DS. Useful if you're surrounded by bad guys or just generally impatient. Beep Beep: Don't know, maybe gives vehicles a … This is the "Lego City" mission for Lego Star Wars. Effect: This will double the damage of any non-saber melee attack. Tow Death Star: The lego bombs the Snowspeeder tows with its cable will be Death Stars. Thermal Detonator has larger explosion and is more powerful. All spaceships have 3 torpedoes at all times so they do not have to be collected. LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Brick Saga So Far Season 1. Effect: This one about doubles the range of the thermal detonators, and it probably increases their power, too, which was already pretty sizable to begin with. Price: £34.99 & FREE Delivery: Only 5 left in stock. Effect: You'll see a big flashing arrow pointing to hidden minikits. 89 to buy episode. Extras are fun (or useful) little goodies you can apply to your game. Effect: This will allow you always deflect blaster bolts back at the shooter, as long as you have the block active. Extras can be used in the cantina, in Story, in Free Play, or in the Character Bonus or Minikit Bonus missions. https://legostarwars.fandom.com/wiki/Extras?oldid=35083. Also, there are many temporary conditions of the characters (like Anakin Skywalker without hand or Jango Fett without his helmet), but they didn't get into this list. Effect: All enemy guns (except those on droids) will become delicious carrots, which cannot shoot. Note that despite being the thirtieth Power Brick, this one is found in V-5. As such, you get: LEGO Star Wars (Xbox) and LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (Xbox 360). That's about it, but it's kinda cute. 2007. BOOM! At around £15 this is a real bargain. This pretty much just means that droids will always be broken instead of just possibly incapacitated. What this does is turn an Ewok's slingshot (also known as a "catapult" in some dialects) into a torpedo launching weapon! For the sake of having a quick list, I've linked each Power Brick back to the mission it's found in. Effect: Give in to your anger. Extras can be unlocked by finding Red Bricks in a level, or the player will automatically start out with them unlocked. See Score X2 above for more info. Press Z on a grapple point and they'll leap to its endpoint. Lego Star Wars: The Complete Sage was originally released back in 2007 for consoles like the PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, DS. The Complete Saga is actually a combination of two games, Lego Star Wars: The Video Game and the follow up Lego Star Wars 2: The Original Trilogy, the … Extras are components that give the player a special ability in all the LEGO Star Wars video games. Effect: Who needs a saber, now? Effect: This turns the slow, plodding Gonk Droid into a speed demon that can jump. Effect: Score multiplies by 4. LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga brings the whole family together to play, for the first time ever, through all six Star Wars movies in one videogame. Effect: This is fun. PlayStation 3 £39.99 £ 39. Set to be released in Spring of 2021, the sixth game in the LEGO Star Wars franchise, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, is highly anticipated by fans of both Star Wars and the LEGO titles. Effect: Score multiplies by 10. Characters from the previous game are unlocked. LEGO® Star Wars™: The Complete Saga is a video game based on the Star Wars movies by George Lucas and the Star Wars themed toy line by the LEGO Group. Effect: In vehicle missions, generates torpedoes behind your craft (if they can carry them) for quick use. Effect: This will increase the area effect of the Jedi Slam (double jump, then attack). All of the score multipliers can be used together, which can be easier in getting the maximum number of. Effect: This will double the damage of all blasters. They cannot be used in Super Story, LEGO City, or Bounty Hunter Challenges. As a note, I've organized this by number as it will appear in the bar, but this one is found in V-6. Platform: PlayStation 3 Nintendo DS . CyricZ started writing to get all the thoughts in his head about video games onto paper and it got out of hand. The Complete Saga is actually a combination of two games, Lego Star Wars: The Video Game and the follow up Lego Star Wars 2: The Original Trilogy, the … Effect: This makes your lightsaber purple and doubles its damage. Good for staying alive, and quite a bit cheaper than invincibility or a Ghost. They cannot be used in Super Story, LEGO City, or Bounty Hunter Challenges. Effect: If you use any character with a walkie talkie (Battle Droid (Commander) or Imperial Spy), then using it will disable all droids in the area for a short time. With this turned on, their zapper weapons will actually cause damage. Extras are fun (or useful) little goodies you can apply to your game. Makes cleanup of mobs rather easy and fun. Efect: Activate this to turn a grappler character's wire into a line of flowers. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Effect: This will basically turn any Jedi into a grappler. Basically what it does is that you turn it on, then go into a mission on Free Play or Challenge. Downside is this includes playing as them. Enemies that get too close to you will get sucked up behind you and will not be able to fire straight, giving you a clear shot at them. Xbox 360. There is no limit to the amount of extras being turned on at once. Effect: You want this. Press C while either Jango Fett or Boba Fett and you'll launch a rocket, which will home in on enemies. The Jedi Slam attack is more powerful and has a larger radius. This doesn't tell how to actually GET them, just where they are, or where they will appear if invisible. This includes Fett's blaster, which already does double damage anyway. The REALLY cool part about the score multipliers is that they stack, meaning that if you bought all of them, you'd be getting Score X 3840, which is just ridiculous. Nope! If you play well, you'll lose 4,000 studs if you die. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. As you cycle through the characters, you'll come across a few that aren't in the usual list. With this active, all blaster bolts will bounce off you, no matter what. This works on any starfighters, AT-STs, probe droids, or anything else small that moves around. 99. Platform : PlayStation 3 | Rated: Ages 3 and Over 4.7 out of 5 stars 191 ratings. Instructions to activate LEGO Star Wars – The Complete Saga steam key free (1) Launch Steam and log into your Steam account. 2009 | Parental Guidance | CC. Effect: I bet you think this does something to those big catapults in the forest, right? In addition to the character you've picked and have been given, you'll also have a few extra characters depending on the level. Deflected blaster bolts will go directly back to the shooter. Note that despite being Brick #36, this one is found in VI-5. Simple, and you won't lose studs. See Score X2 above for more info. Effect: What this does, instead of pushing droids, you will pull them towards you instead, where they will break on you. If you play poorly and die a lot, you'll only lose 1,000 studs. Each character is only playable on certain levels. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. (3) Choose Activate a Product on Steam. Various Max … Effect: I think I finally have this one figured out. Effect: With this active, defeating enemies will make them drop studs. Animals that are ridden on can poop studs. Effect: With this turned on, you'll have an arrow pointing at all the Power Bricks. Effect: Activate this and enter a mission on Free Play. PlayStation 3. Lego Star Wars is a Lego theme that incorporates the Star Wars saga and franchise. It will also blow up shiny things (that need thermal detonators) and when used in vehicle missions, it will destroy things that normally need bombs or torpedos. Effect: Every few seconds, you'll gain a heart back if you've lost some. Useful if you're impatient, or if the bad guys keep interrupting you. Effect: Activate this, then hop on a bantha, dewback, or tauntaun, then press Z. Yay, poop! ". Effect: With this on, press B in a vehicle that can't shoot, and it will beep its horn. Detects minikits, if they haven't been found already. Extras can be used in the cantina, in Story, in Free Play, or in the Character Bonus or Minikit Bonus missions. Effect: This is for vehicle missions. LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga Steam release can be found here. LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga brings the whole family together to play, for the first time ever, through all six Star Wars movies in one videogame. Prime Video From £1.89 £ 1. Extras LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga ... Extras. Also, this causes unlimited damage to everyone but bosses. Not a lot, but every little bit helps, right? This achievement is worth 100 Gamerscore. All characters with Blasters can dodge enemies' Blaster Shots. Lego Star Wars Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. With this off, you only lose 2,000 studs every time you die. In the Extras Menu, any extras that the player has bought can be turned off and on. Extra Toggle, called Secret Characters in LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures is an Extra that has appeared in LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga, LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures, LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game and LEGO Batman: The Videogame (Although in LEGO Batman there are no known Extra Toggle characters). Lego Star Wars Complete Saga Extras - Hello friend Star Wars 101, In the article that you read this time with the title Lego Star Wars Complete Saga Extras, we have prepared this article well for you to read and take information in it. Effect: This basically makes using the Force on objects go much faster. The Gonk droid is faster and can jump higher. With this on, things will be adjusted depending on how you play. This is a fantastic Lego videogame - presenting the complete Star Wars saga, from Episodes 1 to 6. When an extra is unlocked, it can be bought in the spawn room by the person in the game that sells stuff. 5.0 out of 5 stars 2. I extracted all the .DAT files to "Lego Star Wars Saga" using quickbms, and added the characters to COLLECTION.TXT. The change is purely cosmetic. We plowed through the game's six episodes in about 12 hours without detouring … For LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga on the Wii, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "Turning extras on/off? Extras are components that give the player a special ability in all the LEGO Star Wars video … See Score X2 above for more info. Nintendo Wii. You can purchase them at the bar, then activate them in the Extras Menu. These characters are present only when you buy the Extra called "Extra Toggle". Force users will automatically be Dark Side Jedi. (4) Follow the onscreen instructions to activate LEGO Star Wars – The Complete Saga key.After successful code verification go to the "MY GAMES" tab and start downloading. Makes Minikit Bonuses a lot easier. The game has new characters like Plo Koon, Aayla Secura, Lama Su, R2-Q5, Watto, Taun We, Zam Wesell, Boss Nass, and Captain Tarpals (these characters are not playable in the Nintendo DS version). Virtually every character in the game has been altered in some way. Actually, all this does is give any Jedi the ability to manipulate objects with red sparklies. PlayStation 3 LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (PS3) PEGI Rating: Ages 3 and Over. Effect: With this enabled, a droid's zap will destroy an enemy droid in one shot. This will allow you to get True Jedi much more quickly in missions. All enemies (excluding turrets) will be destroyed by pressing a certain button. Unfortunately, bosses will still only take one heart of damage per hit. Effect: Score multiplies by 6. Enemy troops cannot call in for backup when possible. Warner Brothers released their game, Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga, into the Google Play Store at the end of last month and I’ve been wanting to review it ever since I saw that it was released. Effect: With this on, your blaster will explode on contact. Enemy ships will be pulled toward player when possible. As implied, silver studs will be worth 20, gold studs 200, and blue studs 2000. It won't be necessary to time your block to just when the bolt hits. Inspired by the upcoming game LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, this Texmod pack is intended to bring the character designs of Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga a bit closer to what LEGO is currently producing. But LEGO Star Wars doesn't limit you simply playing through the story. Effect: This will change all towable bombs into mini Death Stars. You can purchase them at the bar, then activate them in the Extras Menu. LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (PS3) Visit the Star Wars Store.