07:42 AM. Question. Weak auras is fuckin dank. InfusOnWoW (2): Fix oversight in 7a3d5c762 breaking remaining time check for; Clamp tooltips to the screen 2018-01-17, 03:26 PM #4. I'm pretty good with weak auras and even some lua code but i cannot for the life of me figure out how to make this weak aura. Mythic Dungeon International 2021 - Cup 2. A new Spell Trace tracking was added. Reply With Quote. The guide and Profiles to import are updated for Legion (Vuhdo v.3.83).. Patch 7.1.5 update:. (in-deep explanation in 'Panels' part) 2. 07:40 AM. WeakAuras + possible Vuhdo info. This is very helpful for wild growth, something I couldn't really achieve with weak auras. As a healer, knowing when important stuff happens is arguably the most important of … 2011-11-03, 03:53 PM #2. I'm pretty good with weak auras and even some lua code but i cannot for the life of me figure out how to make this weak aura. Now we have it build-in, enjoy! Get VuhDo release v3.120 now with support for patch 9.0.2 Shadowlands Season 1 and Castle Nathria!. I wanted to go over my Vuhdo setup for holy paladins. Our goal is instead to color the health bar only as you can see from this comparison: Reply With Quote. I'm not using VuhDo, just wondering if I can customize the default raid frames. To get started read the updated guide over at Icy-Veins.. Download user created VuhDo profiles, key layouts and custom bouquets over on wago.io!. Parach. 3.1.9 (2021-01-26). Highlights. I Just started using a few pre-made ones for my resto shaman which are fantastic: - Pop ups for when I need to re-apply poop shield or my water shield Vuhdo supports something similar natively under Debuff > Custom with the selection of "Bar Color": + The main issue with this option is that both the health bar and the background get colored making everything a bit confusing for healers. ... VuhDo, Healbot, default frames with Clique, or defaults with a lot of mouseover macros. I want the icon to show when I am <10 yards ( too close) to my target to remind me to back up. Full Changelog. heres the basic function i want: Prototype Personal Decimator - only fires a missile when you are at least 10 yards away. VuhDo eats middle mouse click. I want the icon to show when I am <10 yards ( too close) to my target to remind me to back up. Keep those feature requests and bug reports coming! Sedivy. Three reasons why WoW's community is toxic. I do think this guide could be useful for other healers as well though so hopefully you guys like it. Includes Grid2 and Vuhdo profiles. Vuhdo's interface is fairly easy to understand the basics, a little convoluted for advanced configurations. A new sorting order was added for healers like me who always drives a RL nuts sorting the groups as Tanks>Melee>Ranged>Healers. You need a general "boss is doing this" addon, DBM/BigWigs being the big ones. Hey all, I had a few questions RE: WeakAuras and possibly VuhDo. If you want to change threshold go to Actions>OnInit and change "aura_env.hplimit" to whatever % value you want. heres the basic function i want: Prototype Personal Decimator - only fires a missile when you are at least 10 yards away. Now you can see who exactly received healing from … bug fixes ; Commits. 1. A breakdown of the different addons, weak auras and macros that you'll need to succeed as a resto druid in patch 9.0.2. I use vuhdo and i was wondering how I can make the raid frame show debuff icons/timers for debuffs such as searing seeds on domo Last edited by lawomous; 2011-11-03 at 05:20 PM.