Product Training for Flight Planning Solutions, Product Training for Flight Planning and Crew Solutions, Boeing Learning Solutions (Aviation Training Organizations), Boeing Training and Professional Services, Government and Military Aviation Overview, Update Cycle and Effective Dates Schedule. RVR RVR RVR 550m RVR or 696' B: (207') 600m 1000m RVR D3.8 IGDA NDB GDA D7.6 IGDA QNH FT/METER CONVERSION Alt Set: hPa (MM on req) Rwy Elev: 18 hPa Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6570' GDA NDB (1283') Generally, Jeppesen NavData updates are available for download  through Jeppesen Distribution Manager (JDM) up to 10 days prior to the effective date. Manual charts. Apt Elev 7 SEP 01 0 1 ^ E RCLM (DAY only) or RL RCLM (DAY only) or RL 250m 300m 400m LVP must be in force RVR VIS 500m 400m This standardwas While it does note the elevation, it doesn���t prominently display it as the official field elevation. 6��� When applicable, the distance from a point abeam the glide slope transmitter to the roll-out end of the Jeppesen���spolicy to recognizeand respect the authority of individual State Aviation Authorities is afunda-mental principlepast, present, and future. Printed on 06 Sep 2008. 9 R 3 0 2 ^ D 1 6 V L C ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2005. JEPPESEN 0^ ^ D D D 1 D KEMER N37 36.1 E034 43.6 MANAZ TARSU N36 37.5 E034 31.2 6 8 8 ^ ^ 6^ A 1A A 1A MILBA Apt Elev.SID. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4��� "RVR" is depicted when one or more transmissometers are installed along the runway. MSA 09 ^ ^ 3 1 0 ^ 5100' 2600' 3200' PIS NDB MSA 1 7 5 ^ 2 2 5 5100' 2800' 3 3 0 0 ' ZAG VOR 0 6 1 ^ 4 0 The Jeppesen charts for the RNAV (RNP) approach procedures listed below depict incorrect landing visibilities for the Approach Lights Out condition shown on the chart as ���ALS out���. w¨T‡œ­”ªÌ£pN­½@+#àt&oÑÕaT½O»†2y5G Jeppesen Charts for iPad is the powerful, complete electronic flight bag App. CHART LEGEND 6 [22 Oct 2009] II-10 .2 5.2 INSTRUMENT APPROACH | INTRODUCTION TO INDOAVIS AERONAUTICAL NAVIGATION CHARTS USERS ��� All And finally, the airport name and geographic location name (i.��� -During LVP whenever RVR is less than 550m measured on TDZ RVR point or ceiling below 200��� PAPI system will be switched-off. Licensed to a. Moving to the middle of the header, the chart revision date, index number (in most cases, "10-9"), and effective date (if applicable) are listed. AERODROME OPERATING MINIMUMS -JEPPESEN JEPPESEN AOMPOLICY (Eff Jan 2020) WITHSTATE-PROVIDED MINIMUMS State-providedminimumswillbecharted. Eff.5.Jul PT. Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . JEPPESEN LPPT (Lisbon) JeppView Airport Information General Info Lisbon, PRT N 38 46.4' W 09 08.0' Mag Var: 4.9 W Elevation: 374' Public, Control Tower, IFR, Landing Fee, Customs Fuel: 100LL, Jet A-1 Time Zone Notice: After 7.12.2006 0901Z this chart s hould not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. Licensed to Elefant air. As the most reliable mobile app available with the JEPPESEN LIMC (Malpensa) JeppView Airport Information General Info Milan, ITA N 45 37.8' E 08 43.4' Mag Var: 0.0 W Elevation: 767' Public, Control Tower, IFR, Landing Fee, Rotating Beacon, Customs Fuel: 100LL STARs MAGAM 2A & PODET 1B withdrawn. Disc 21-2008 JEPPESEN JeppView Military apron VOR ATIS (60m) Apt Elev 126.45 118.9 (30m) 25-14 25-14 25-15 25-15 25-16 25 NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. NOTICE: PRINTED FROM AN EXPIRED REVISION. 5��� When different from the physical runway length, landing distance beyond threshold is shown. If your download isn’t available yet, please check back at regular intervals. It also has runway lighting. ‚ʱ;Yc¡‡°vƂ/Ïë,™•,OûíAeÈú‘e7¦ÜÚnm«G¶Ùc«ýZÛµvOÄõ6W»ŽÄUðé챖®_**°ÑÀJý¥¬ð…±®jªuŠÚ“~†Ñm¡œ-R/Lhä/’ÚÚ¬½ÂÅή/kùVųs5ÒXè®è¥1ыØm.X«|ŸK¡ÆrÞéÊ© ºÝN«Ë­ä ¦íÇÞPΛáeãëU¾`Ñígí6•-_°ñF]qk´­‘6FY[a£öZÓµjO…íaª"O‡Ú§ÝwÇݳãÑaԇ 2ônŸ¾JaF=^Ђ'úùm7úýñʶ0²S‡ãõ²Xj´l³^Xõäxýï´~H“×¢ºT˜³}úrNýÀ?F„m¿ÅZ¾»³Ø%ʲlÃJ¦Í2_}sT‘BÍ©u®t9ù¥ '—h6`)ÇB5ÙÑ9Fqt2䇜 Jeppesen Charts iPad provides you with the high-quality charting which allows you to navigate accurately. All data files will be available by the effective date. In the Jeppesen plates you will notice the Height Above Touchdown (HAT) is in parenthesis whereas the FAA charts place the HAT to the right of the DH and visibility for the approach. When HIRL/CL/RVR/HGS are available, lower minimums that apply to Brazil Civil Aviation Regulations for 121/135 operators will also be depicted. AIS + MET (50m) (50m) | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2001. Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro is the airline industry���s leading mobile app, providing pilots with all aeronautical maps, charts, manuals and documents needed for paperless flying. 20-ABP-2 If touchdown zone lights and centerline lights are available, this minimum visibility can be as low as an RVR of 1,800 feet. Printed on 06 Dec 2008. For stand graphic refer to 20-9 charts. For Low Visibility Taxi Routes refer to 20-9 charts. OPS 1.430(d)(2) All non-precision approaches shall be flown using the continuous descent final approaches technique��� Minimums:-CDFA will be the Standard on Jeppesen charts - non-CDFA only in exceptional cases - Jeppesen INSTRUMENT APP. At Reagan National, the landing visibility is an RVR of 1,800 feet or 1/2 mile of meteorological observed visibility when all ��� 29 JUN 07 20-1P Rwy designations. If your download isn���t available yet, please check back at regular intervals. In States that provide no or incomplete AOM, significant changes will apply on instrument approach procedures charts. For take-off minimums for controlled airports without instrument approach procedures, or for uncontrolled airfields with and without air traffic services, refer to Part 91 ��� Examples ��� The Jeppesen chart depiction of Brazil���s new take-off minimums represents the basic version of new take-off minimums. JEPPESEN EGPO (Stornoway) JeppView Airport Information General Info Stornoway, GBR N 58 12.9' W 06 19.9' Mag Var: 7.9 W Elevation: 26' Public, Control Tower, IFR, Landing Fee, Customs availble on a restrcted Generally, Jeppesen NavData updates are available for download through Jeppesen Distribution Manager (JDM) up to 10 days prior to the effective date. The 10-9 page heading always starts off with the airport's 4-letter ICAO identifier, the airport's elevation, and the lat/long location. Jeppesen airport elevation Above is a Jepp chart with the actual runway heading underneath the runway. Download Jeppesen Charts for iPad Free. ILS/DME 650 (200) ½ RVR 26 ���ZNS��� NDB to MAP 5.7 NM LOC Knots ft/min Min:Sec LOC/DME 800 (350) 1 RVR 50 70 370 4:53 90 480 3:48 NDB 900 (450) 1 RVR 50 110 580 3:07 130 690 2:38 CIRCLING 980 (503) 1½ 980 1080 Jeppesen electronic terminal chart updates are typically available 48 hours before the issue date. 7 D 5 0 . Affected charts will be updated in several upcoming revision cycles, until then the following tables explain the take-off minimums applicable in Argentina. Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. The new visibilities might be higher or lower than the charted ones.��� Q: Could you please tell me more specific JEPPESEN SANDERSON 55 Inverness Drive East Englewood, Colorado, 80112-5498 U.S.A. Tel: +1 303 799 - 9090 Telefax: +1 303 792 - 3128 Telex: 4322029, SITA: DENJS7X E-mail: Frankfurter Str ®œM>ø¥{`Ÿ¥@ì4;õߨ}Ð˱G۔È[—ùÈ1Bºù¿á—CC1K @$…©D°‘Ër§qKi–‰Ü}C'(C¤»ä]»gI…Ø't¤å>‘})0. Disc 10-2008 JEPPESEN JeppView D R 2 3 4 ^ R 2 1 0 ^ R 1 8 4 ^ D 1 6 2 3. INDOAVIS NUSANTARA Geo-informatics and Aeronautical Information Supports. 65' LTAF/ADA 20-3 Trans level: By ATC Trans alt: 10000' ADANA ADANA, TURKEY ^ A5 6 D 4 5. For example, on the ILS the DH is 220 feet and the required RVR is 1800. Specifications���, or ECOMS.