Vs duo bosses tonfa does lack cheesy options like other weapons, but its speed and evasive capabilities will let you maintain the pressure. Swords in Nioh are your versatile, everyman weapon. Not to mention that the weapon also fast as hell. DISPLAY: TIERS. Tweet on Twitter. While they are locked in that position you can infinitely roll sword of meditation until they are dead. Klaus März 23, 2020 Leave a Comment. . You may equip 2 melee weapons and 2 ranged weapons with ammunition. Dual Swords. there afew moves with duel swords that put you behind a target once u block its attacks leaving them open for some slicing. From what I remember, and this is my personal experience, it was the Kurasarigama (May have spelled that wrong). Small clips of each. I thought it was almost at the bottom of the list. Tonfa's weakness is it's damage per hit is lower than most weapons and it has an awful parry, however it has a very versatile kit, very fast speed, incredible combo game, and huge ki breaking potential letting you really dominate the fight if you're good. Anyways, why I lowered Kirk's placement for its redundancy, while not taking the redundancy much into account for Saw Cleaver, is that I think when it comes to non-overlapping parts of LHB and Kirkhammer, LHB is just clearly much better. I'm still in early game, though. Share on Facebook. The Weapons of Nioh come in many shapes and sizes, and each will be important as you battle your way through armies of man and Yokai alike. VOTES. I would say, single Sword ist the most versatile. I'd say 2kat is far and beyond every other weapon considering all you need to do is stay in low stance spam and sotc vs yokai and god of the wind > sotc vs humans or just mid stance parry them and sotc spam for infinite stunlock. They have their strengths and weaknesses and some will have a harder time especially fighting duo bosses. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Google+. and charge shots. There are already 200,000+ tier list templates available on TierMaker and you can make a tier list for nearly anything by searching for the topic you are interested in or starting on our category page. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It's parry is probably its only real weakness. The mastery skill that allows you to do almost double damage when behind an opponent is incredibly strong, almost OP. Nioh 2 Best Starting Weapon – which should you choose. The only weapons I have not gotten into are the ax and dual. They are further broken down into classes. What's the current tier list for weapons? The game was released on February 7th, 2016. A-Tier: Sword, Dual Swords. Tonfa master race, set people to burn/ paralyze in 3 hit. Except for Axe, which is reserved for masochists, the rest are all viable.Sword, Dual Swords are overall the best, as you can parry into final blow, and their charge skills (iai/sotc) do massive dmg.Tonfa is good at dealing ki dmg, if you are into that kinda thing.Kusa and Odachi are also good, which have awesome lw moves.I don't use spear much tbh, the numbers I see ppl using spear in end game can be counted in 1 hand, so it is viable, but probably not so much. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). The accessory is the yasakani magatama and it does indeed lower set reqs by 1 (meaning you could technically have 9 two piece sets). The Strike parry is also pretty good if you're dealing with duos. For the Nioh 2 Wiki, please see here. Since you can: Parry, Backwave, High stance yokai horn break, 3tapp get into there back attack. It can break human ki decently though and it can cheese them with Stone Mallet/Roar knockdown. The only trick you need to know is to tap L2 to raise your weapon quickly to quick sheath letting you charge up SotC immediately. Sure its...kinda boring, but it feels like Sword are on the list of the "More developed" and focused weapons from the dev team, Sword is best by far Tonfa is second best, everything else is mediocre, Any chance you can link me to a good tonfa build? Warframe's first community-powered tier list, just click to cast your vote! The rarer the item, the more beneficial status effects it will possess. Warframe Primary Weapon Tier List Beta. Each weapon has its own unique skill. With demon dance and kannagi mystic art you can also keep up very high pressure if you perfectly spot dodge and punish. This Nioh Armor Sets Guide shows all of the armor sets we've discovered in Nioh so far including screenshots, locations of each piece and the stats and bonuses they offer. Weapon type tier list. Tonfa is really second best? So, now that Nioh 2 has even more weapons, what is your updated weapon rank list? ALL Fortnite Weapons (January 14, 2021) All C2 S2(S12) Skins. Fortnite Locations (SEASON 9) … I understand it destroys Ki and applies elemental buffs well, but are those the only reasons? This tier take into consideration how useful the skill in different situations. 2. When it comes to best weapons in Nioh, you need to be familiar with Weapon Familiarity. Make sure you get the best possible weapon for your build in Nioh 2 with the help of this best weapons tier list. by Sergey_3847. I ran the entire abyss under 10 pounds for the extra damage bonus with the 6 piece omoikane, 4 piece izanagi, and the one time drop sozasa monji. ... but the DS mystic art Firm Resolve and the importance of survivability now makes this a top tier weapon. Katana – The Katana sword is a rock-solid basic weapon and an exemplary choice for your starting weapon in Nioh … Skills or effects that are useful to certain situations are not placed high in the tier list. With only a little time left to beat the Nioh 2 open beta, players are going to need to be properly equipped to earn The Mark of the Demon Slayer. Alright. respec with a book , you can buy them if you dont have one. Nioh 2 Weapon Scaling - How Does This Work? Nioh Weapon Tier List. I have had a lot of good results with the regular sword. Due to its speed I don't find it very good vs duo bosses, though I haven't really played with it a whole lot. In my list, I didn't take into account their redundancy, so I put them in the same tier (with Saw Spear being slightly higher up in that tier). . Es gibt viele großartige Waffen Nioh 2. Flowing shadow is very good burst damage I used it a lot on yokai, Iai Quickdraw can infinite stunlock like 2kat sotc and its also very good for punish on knockdowned opponents, kick is good at breaking ki vs LW humans, sword of discernment spam can break human ki on guard decently though it depends on the enemy. © Valve Corporation. Specially if you were big into the whole Ninja tools and such. Most people don't think too highly of the spear or axe though (though the spear is a nice safe weapon I found). Weapons are color coded by their rarity: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Exotic. Last updated 2 months ago (Patch 29.6) WARFRAMES PRIMARY WEAPONS SECONDARY WEAPONS MELEE WEAPONS ARCHWING COMPANIONS. Fortnite Battle Pass Skins (S1-C2:S2) Fortnite seasons 1-14. Since they don't move you can fully charge it which makes it unblockable. It is so good. I think it's more about personal mastery of a weapon than tier list tbh for me, outside of using cheese tactics of coz. You use our tier list maker to quickly create your own, unique and interactive template that anyone can use. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. I was wondering what are the weapon types considered the best in NioH. Just showin' this to my cousin since he's curious. If you wish to contribute, please refer to the Editing Guidelines and To Do List for more info!. It is a good idea to have several types of weapons on you. I've been having a lot of success with Odachi so far, but i have no idea what's good or bad later on. All fortnite weapons. My entire build (played on the PS4 when it came out) was all about the Ninja tools, pretty sure I got it to the point where I was able to 3 shot the final bosses on Way of the Demon. Nioh Weapon Tier Listing The brand new claw weapon reveals a few similarities to the sport’s tonfa weapon and will be seen as in an identical classification. This works especially well with one piece of the national unity set. I was wondering what are the weapon types considered the best in NioH. They also offer good methods of breaking through enemy guard and their Skill tree incorporates buffs to Ki recovery while guarding. Other than reviewing the weapon’s appears to be like and a portion of its strikes, no different knowledge on … The weapon you choose will just level up the related skill that is tied to the chosen weapon, but you can really use anything. My favorite weapon combination is katana/odachi. 1Kat is kind of a shittier 2kat, backwave tempest is probably the all around best parry in the game which works very well with 1kat since it also boasts the highest finishing blow damage. This is my personal Tier list after spending considerable time with all weapons: S-Tier: Spear, Kusarigama, Odachi. Nioh 2 Clawed Fist DLC weapon guide Michael Leri Thursday, October 15, 2020 The Nioh 2 Clawed Fist and Fist weapons in the Darkness in the Capital DLC … Dual Swords have a very high attack frequency, but are economical in terms of Ki consumption, and are very good for blocking attacks. Enhancement Ease. Common weapons are sometimes stronger than rare weapons when it … Weapon Type Tier List. You can also bait with Focused Strike to knockdown cheese every so often, but Tonfa's finishing blow damage is the weakest of all the weapons. I'm used to obliterate revenants with the Odachi, i guess that is why it gets harder with other weapons. Useful information on each weapon type and recommended weapons for players wondering which weapon to use. Weapons i dont likeThis lol But I must say, that switch glaive is very special. While Spearfall / Chidori can do a lot of damage their animation is quite lengthy and you can't really afford to be standing still for more than a second or two. POI's on the Map C2S2. Nioh features an exciting array of rare, unique and powerful items that can sometimes offer huge bonuses when equipped with other items in the same set. I'm not a fan of it vs duo bosses due to its lack of a good burst skill since its damage requires you to really commit into them. But of course, the best weapon is the one that fits your personal build the best. All rights reserved. The katana is a deadly weapon that has three strong stances, and the weapon is pretty well … Weapons in Nioh 2 are the main instrument of dealing damage, and are divided into several categories, plus ranged. Fortnite C2S2 ALL BP SKINS. Repeat until done. I think that the katana can seem boring because it has such a complete skill set. Very slow, awful range, and no combo game. Sword of meditation obliterate's hayabusa and sasuke since the go into guard after a single hit. Pinterest. Its skillset is based around superarmor and trading which is a really bad thing to do in WotN/abyss where even taking 1 hit will get you debuffed hard or outright kill you. Odachi has very good range, good speed, a well rounded skillset having a good answer to any situation, and very good damage and Crashing Waves absolutely annihilates human ki very quickly letting you dominate them. I've used sword want to try something new :). Those words might sound intimidating, especially considered the various interlaced and layered systems that Nioh 2 positively bombards players with as you progress through the game. Weapon type tier list Nioh 2. Nioh Best Weapons. Tonfa gun is its highest burst skill and its very good vs yokai, but unfortunately its tied to the Sarutobi's set until you reach higher levels in the abyss and get extremely lucky on random gear with the perk. For PvE all weapons are perfectly viable in 1v1, just play whatever feels right to you. This is my personal Tier list after spending considerable time with all weapons: Rank A: Sword, Dual Swords, Odachi, Spear, Kusari Gama. Kusarigama serpent strike + foot sweep trivialize any human also high quick spam does a shit ton of damage; its main draw back is the start up for attacks is a bit long and most of the skills don't do that much damage compared to high quick spam. Since Nioh is coming free in the next couple days with Outlast. In the game, you can use two basic weapon types - melee and ranged. C-Tier: Axe All weapons are viable at about the same level. https://www.gameskinny.com/bzfdw/nioh-2-best-guardian-spirits Nioh 2 Wiki Guide will all Sets, Skills and Yokai Skills, Walkthrough, missions, enemies, bosses, magic, weapons, equipment and more! Weapons tier list 1. Fortnite Skins (Outfits) ... Fortnite Valentines Day skins Tier List. Don’t get me wrong, I love tonfas to deatg as they’re my favorite weapon, but compared to the others they seem lackluster. The tiering of weapons changes as patches come out, so I've no idea if anything I say is current. Especially in its death reaper stance, it sucks health and has beautiful range ". Nioh 2 Best Weapons Tier List. Nioh 2: Best Weapons For Each Build. Aside from reviewing the weapon's looks and a portion of its moves, no other data on the new paw weapon has been reported up until now. There are lots of melee weapons in the game and they are dropped by the majority of opponents that you fight with. Weapon scaling. Weapons i like . Granted I didn't spend much time with it, and the low attacks seemed weak as hell, but overall the weapon felt okay. The best source of information about Nioh, written for fans, by fans.