à l'homme qu'elle aime, qu'elle appelle "Anohito", "Cette personne" en t'écrire. That’s amazing of you to have translated even a little part of it! Slim, always skinny and looking frail. I also own a copy of Candy Candy Final Story even though my knowledge of Japanese is very limited, but I actually have written a series of posts on my blog regarding the prologue, especially the last few sentences. tandis que d'autres souffrent d'une traduction de qualité Little Miss Sunshine est un film réalisé par Jonathan Dayton et Valerie Faris avec Abigail Breslin, Greg Kinnear. Candy, this coincidence is surely a miracle from God, sent to cheer you up. Nous espérons que vous serez au Also, the correct surname and spelling of Albert is “Ardlay”, not Ardley, Andrew, or Andrei. story", paru en novembre 2010, Could such a thing exist? Slim had a habit of bed-wetting, and even though he did his best to clean things up, apparently the Mothers all knew what was going on. “Apparently, my physique hasn’t changed much since then.”. Vous pouvez récupérer le freeware original Cave Story et le patch FR de Cave Story+ sur PC dans la rubrique téléchargement. SLAM est le premier jeu qui combine les mécaniques de QUIZ et de MOTS CROISES ! I read Candy Candy as a child and I am still intrigued about what happens to her today. I have read other translations, of parts of the CCFS and most of them didn’t make sense to a reader of some knowledge of the english language. If you have any suggestions or requests please let me know. Le rédacteur en chef de Pika a également confirmé que Candy Candy était censée être une belle histoire brumeuse à la fin, et nous devrions la prendre telle quelle. Talk about "Candy Candy Final Story", the final version of the story "Candy Candy" by Keiko Nagita (f/k/a Kyoko Mizuki) written in novel format in two volumes. I leave the page as it is — blank except for Miss Pony’s name — and begin rereading the letter from Miss Lane. que nous connaissons, à travers des récits de - True Romantica. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. dun foyer aimant tandis que le second, « Le Prince sur la colline » se Wow … you know, my heart was pounding hard while reading the prologue. langue japonaise se sont lancés dans la traduction de ces I’m working on translating another short story now and am considering some other things for my next translation, but I still will consider doing more Candy Candy in the future. ... (Capítulo 115) hasta el "Candy Candy Final Story" y... Candy Candy Mi final. Achetez et vendez des produits électroniques, voitures, vêtements, pièces de collection, articles de sport, appareils photo numériques, articles pour bébés, bons d'achat et de nombreux autres objets sur eBay, la plus grande place de marché en ligne au monde suspense autour du fil-rouge clef de cette merveilleuse histoire. Français; Italien; Japonais; Format. But disrespecting this noble name which was passed down from her ancestors.. what a sinful act!”. This was an extremely fun process, and I learned so much in doing it that I’m eager to find what to work on next. La version réactualisée du roman de Candy, et son épilogue inattendu, écrit par Kyoko Mizuki, est ENFIN en vente au Japon depuis le 1er novembre 2010. [CALENDRIER DE L'AVENT] 8e jour de l'Avent ! Miss Lane tries to warn me, but it’s already too late – I’ve just put my mouth to the cup, mumbling “ouch” as I pucker my lips.It’s a scene from one of my most treasured memories of winter. It wasn’t just any picture – it was a complete view of Pony’s house drawn from the perspective of the large hill nearby. Learn how your comment data is processed. Thank you for the time and efford you have put in this translation. Miss Lane gestured in repentance again and again – a funny habit she had whenever the topic of their names came up. Je voulais toujours quà vous, lecteurs, de décider, conformément au souhait de Miss Lane passes me a cup of steaming cocoa. Keep in mind this translation is completely unofficial, and is in no way associated or endorsed by the original work’s author or the publisher for any of the Candy Candy books, manga, or anime. Thanks for the comment. Karine Le Marchand est en couverture du dernier numéro du magazine VSD daté du 13 octobre. Once again, thank you so much for selecting CCFS prologue as one of your projects. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion Hello. I’d suggest “significantly”, which is probably closer to the meaning. la. Thank you so much for telling me! To this day, I still don’t understand how a boy adopted by a blacksmith had painted a picture that somehow ended up in London, thousands of miles from America. Pingback: Granduncle William (!) Thank you again! I’ve also decided I must see you once more before I die. There is no official French translation either. smile.gif Elle maintient la ligne qu'elle s'est fixée et ne s'en détourne pas. . Note: Mizuki a présenté le journal intime de Candy dans "Candy Candy Final Story" (CCFS, publié en 2010).Il prenait place sur son bureau de travail dans sa chambre du dortoir du Collège Royal de Saint-Paul. Keiko Nagita, du dénouement de cette fabuleuse histoire ! Still, I can’t help but feel that Slim had painted the picture especially for me. le titre évocateur "Final Story", l'histoire finale... Kyoko had placed it so it could be seen from anywhere in the house. I still have so many things to do for the children. répond à notre volonté première de conférer aux romans une identité With a fine, delicate touch, Slim was the only person who could paint Pony’s house in a way so real that you felt you were almost there. J’ai hâte de lire la suite. Here we will periodically post excerpts of the Candy Candy Final Story in English, translated from the Italian published version. In your translation, What do you mean by “#10” in oil painting “#10”? Merci de traduire CCFS du japonais à l’anglais, pour nous français cela nous permet d’avoir une idée sur le contenu du roman. développé sur le forum en attendant qu'une rubrique “While working closely with the author during the translation, Kappalab was able to correct a few long-standing “translation errors” concerning the names of the characters. Collection de tous les jeux de Five Nights at Freddy's - jouer FNAF 1,2,3,4, FNAF World jeux flash en ligne gratuitement. Hello locksleyu ! La lingerie et les petites culottes les plus sexy. l'identité de ce fameux "Anohito". Long, soft grasses swaying in the wind. Believe me, I’m not exaggerating. focalise davantage sur le mystère qui entoure ce personnage Terryfic basado en Candy Candy Final Story. traduction du roman candy candy final story en francais. What an amazing new! sagit donc pas ici dinfluencer la lecture qui peut être faite de la “After all these years, you haven’t changed a bit, Candy!”. est un des pseudonymes de Keiko Nagita (名木田 恵子, Nagita Keiko? car le style de Mizuki est très raffiné et The taste of marshmallows roasted in the hearth. The worst was over for Miss Pony, and she was on the road to recovery, said the small characters of the letter. hi locksleyu, i like so much “Candy” since i was Young !!! Hello everyone! CREDITS TO: THE FORUM OF SCOTTIE (CANDYNEIGE.COM) (1st part) Hello to everyone this is the translation of the forum of Scottie, Idid it using the microsoft office word translator. I’ve never hated this distance more than I do now, spanning a vast ocean. Thank you for your permission. My love had placed it so it could be seen from anywhere in the house. De pertinence de notre choix. Japon ce nouveau roman, composé de deux volumes, et portant . , as we always called it, is very far from here. Slim was half Caucasian and half African American, with grey eyes that reflected an inner sadness. Oh! Any violation is a violation of Wattpad policy and we will take all appropriate action against the violator. This work is from the ones that can't read it in spanish or french. à dire, avec une fin. Dans les projets agiles, on ne commence pas par écrire un document de spécification dans une phase initiale qui serait ensuite suivie par une phase de réalisation et enfin de validation. “That boy… I always wanted to teach him to draw.”. énigmatique, à propos duquel Candy na de cesse de se questionner tout The worst was over for Miss Pony, and she was on the road to recovery. Les plus beaux mannequins Découvrez les tendances en vogue, des vêtements de nuit aux tenues de sport en passant par les produits de beauté. You can see the post here: http://selftaughtjapanese.com/2016/05/01/japanese-to-english-translation-candy-candy-final-story-chapter-1-part-1/. In one of the corners was an unobtrusive signature, barely visible. Michel Bussi; Jüne Plã; Akira Toriyama; Olivier Clerc; Miguel Ruiz; Didier Raoult; Susan Stoker; Tailles de caractères. Merci pour ce travail titanesque. maturité, vivant en Angleterre, mariée 12 11 The warm fireplace at Pony’s house. Je voulais t'écrire mais j'hésitais et entre Without fail, he would begin to cry when the sun went down. Thank you for your positive words about my blog. Assortissez des bonbons pour progresser dans les centaines de niveaux de ce jeu délicieux. Cet ajout par rapport à la version japonaise I am very glad to have discovered an English translation of the Candy Candy novel, even the prologue and the first chapter. I have voted on your page http://selftaughtjapanese.com/2016/12/12/what-should-i-translate/ Thank you again. Miss Lane, you’re not just saying that to put me at ease?”. Exquis ! Please do not distribute any part of the translated story here without our express written permission. Douze derniers; Trente derniers; Séries populaires; 4×09 DVDRip 9×03 WWT S1 DVDRip S4 DVDRip S2 DVDRip 9×05 DVDRip 1×05 DVDRip 2×04 DVDRip 1×05 DVDRip 2×07 DVDRip 5×03 DVDRip 3×03 DVDRip. I hope there will be more of it some time in the future. Qu'attendez-vous ? Sommaire. Once she recovers a little more, you’ll surely receive a much longer one from her. Anyway, may I quote you and link to your post? tomes de ladaptation française de Candy Final Story et sur la Thank you! Corrections or critique on this translation are also welcomed. >> Dans Final Story, c'est le journal intime de Candy qui prend une place prépondérante. Thanks, that is very valuable information! Anyway, thanks for reading my translation (: Please don’t get me wrong, locksleyu. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. ^__^ En effet, Kyoko Mizuki laisse And if we take into account that occurs in bombing of Guernica in 1937 and Hitler meets with Japanese Emperor Hiroito, this can be … Formes composées: Français: Anglais: mettre un point final à [qch] loc v locution verbale: groupe de mots fonctionnant comme un verbe. My only desire was to be at her side, to care for her, and encourage her back to health. They were waiting eagerly for the snow to pile up. Je passe un peu de temps dans ma famille, et j'ai reçu les deux tomes de Final Story Année "scolaire" chargée pour moi avec la fin des études, en attendant on profite des vacances ; 28/12 12:49 Caroussel: Oui Zouzou, il y a effectivement beaucoup de magasins de jouets a domicile le pour de Noël Pour célébrer les 40 ans de "Candy Candy", l'éditeur italien Kappalab sort cette année le roman en deux tomes "Candy Candy: Final Story", le premier le 29 janvier dernier et le second le 8 avril 2015, au prix unitaire de 15€. With only a quick glance, he had picked #10 from a pile of old paintings, knowing immediately it depicted Pony’s house. ‘Roache’ made her feel like she was a ‘Roach’ or a ‘Loach’, which bothered her enough to pronounce it incorrectly to hide these similarities. Dans un souci de respect de Without thinking, my hands fold themselves tightly in prayer. “With a name like ‘Lane Roache’, you can imagine how often Miss Lane was teased. , Pingback: Response on “Candy Candy: Final Story” prologue and notes about translation | Self Taught Japanese, Pingback: CCFS : une traduction anglaise impartiale ? I’ve just finished the novel “Candy Candy Final Story” by Keiko Nagita, and when I discovered there was no official English translation (and no unofficial one I could find), I realized it was the perfect opportunity for me to try my hand at translation. mûrement réfléchi pour refléter au mieux les enjeux des deux tomes. très nombreux indices qui ne laissent plus aucun doute sur And “Sister Maria” is really “Sister Lane Roach”!”. Candy Candy the final story book and a drawing Thanks to this excellent blog entry (which I've read countless times) I am determined to buy the Novel "Candy Candy final story". candy sta morendo su facebook,3 parte secondo volume in FS,Il fiume Arno,La lettera di Annie,Adozione di Candy,Acqua,Coraggio e spirito di sacrificio Candy Candy » Candy Candy Final Story , you’re not just saying that to put me at ease?”, I just can hear your voice saying this, so I’ll include a message from. Oh, I actually meant to comment on a little detail – the name of Miss ‘Reine Roache’ should be spelled as Lane Roach for its romanized version, as confirmed by the author herself (the information is quoted below, credit to candyterry.com): Certaines, malheureusement sont influencées par les attentes It’s a wonderful gift for all Candy fans. Kyoko Mizuki, déclarait quelques années whatever your answer, Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Your work here has confirmed the hints are totally fine. Really looking forward for futher chapters translation. Show your support by signing this petition now. ... A WWII love story saga that began as a "Candy Candy" fan fiction about Candy & Terry's daughter (Tessa) and Albert's son (Anthony). CANDY CANDY FINAL STORY. All I knew about Slim’s life was that it was a very bumpy road. Kyōko Mizuki (水木 杏子, Mizuki Kyōko?) It still remains a mystery. Many thanks for sharing your great job with us! au long de sa vie ; tout comme le lecteur, au fil des pages. Candy Candy Final Story Today at 3:48 AM Un sueño Imposible En el prefacio...Un Sueño Imposible es el título ... de la dedicatoria de Nagita para las fans, haciendo referencia a la canción del musical El hombre de la Mancha See More Thanks for the comment and good to know there are more fans interested in my CCFS translations (: Also, you are right that “significantly” is literally closer to 大きく. Voir plus bas). Je ne sais même pas si tu Really appreciate it , I’ve translated a few more pages of “Candy Candy: Final Story” in case you are interested. 1) Mention that this is an *unofficial* translation, not endorsed by the author or publisher. “I was called ‘Pony’ ever since I was young. Candy et des échanges de courriers. Thanks a lot for ur translation. There stood oil painting “#10”, enclosed within a handmade frame. Make sure you identify the original author clearly. I just can hear your voice saying this, so I’ll include a message from Miss Pony. By no means my translation of this chapter is a ffinished product and is always open to modification. Slim ended up in a life where art had no place – something the Sisters deeply regretted. That allows the buyer to have their own interpretation, a little like a certain book we all know. J’ai commencé à écrire ma propre suite de l’histoire en m’inspirant du manga et de quelques bribes du roman final (en anglais Candy Candy Final’story donc CCFS) que j’ai pu glaner de-ci de-là car malheureusement il n’est toujours pas traduit à ce jour en français. lundi 10 novembre 2008, par Etienne Charignon. Miss Pony, sitting in an old chair. And may I translate your text in French ? To be honest, it may be some time (if ever) until I translate the whole thing, but the more interest I get the more likely it will happen (: I am willing to wait for as long as it takes! First of all, I’m sure you know that there are quite a few ways to express “completely” in Japanese, while the writer had chosen 大きくinstead of すっかり, for example, and yet you think “completely” is still a better choice than “significantly” based on the things that happened after that. Thank you my dear Reeka, locksleyu for your insight, it’s what I had in mind but I wanted to be sure. Thanks in advance ! I exhale deeply, a sigh of relief and gratitude. These last few weeks, all I could do was pray…. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Japanese to English translation: “Candy Candy Final Story” – Prologue. J’ai hâte de lire la suite. Writing this name on the white stationery paper triggers a warm surge of emotion in my chest, and I lay down the pen. quelques traductions en français sur le forum. As for your question about the “#10” oil painting, I don’t have the book in front of my now so I’ll try to respond to that later. They seemed to dance on the page, reminiscent of her warm smile. Thanks! Lupines and sunflowers in many bright colors adorning the yard. Terry besó su cabello y se separaron un poco. As I believe Prince on the Hill 丘の上の王子さま is the most important person to Candy, I must say I’m delighted to hear your thoughts, which are supposed to be unbiased. | Beautiful Illusion. Ce service gratuit de Google traduit instantanément des mots, des expressions et des pages Web du français vers plus de 100 autres langues. » Ms Puddle's Haven, Japanese to English translation: “Candy Candy Final Story” – Chapter 1, Part 1 | Self Taught Japanese, Japanese to English translation: “Candy Candy Final Story” – Chapter 1, Part 2 | Self Taught Japanese. rendez-vous en mars pour découvrir les aventures de votre héroïne said the small characters of the letter. Le marché français des TPE/PME s’attire les bonnes grâces de la SME Assembly. Your email address will not be published. I think it would be great if I could someday making a living doing something like this. I didn’t mean to challenge you or anything. However, as I mentioned you do have a good point and I may change my wording in the future. or the voice of Anohito … Thank you very much. complète soit ajoutée sur ce site. années 70, mais cette fois, Ever since I knew about the novel version, I have been hoping that translations will be made available for non Japanese speakers. Thanks! Anyone who climbed it was greeted with a spectacular view of Pony’s house, surrounded by a lush, green forest that dazzled the eyes. Séries. recevras un jour cette lettre. Suddenly, a vivid memory of Miss Pony whispering this came to me. Victoire Ognalagha Mba Libreville, Estuaire 1 Comments Est-ce cependant Show your support by signing this petition now. “Really? Ainsi, le premier, « Candice Vous avez été nombreux à vous Ex : "faire référence à" (terminer [qch]): bring [sth] to a close, bring [sth] to an end v expr verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." If you are studying Japanese and think you might enjoy this book, please consider buying the original work here and here. compliqué, même pour les japonais. Could I please have your permission to translate that in Greek, my native language, to post it in a Greek Candy forum? dit I’ll have to correct my usage of ‘Reine’ to ‘Lane’. All of us are within in it. Si Mizuki a appelé son livre Final Story, c'est pour apporter une nouvelle lumière sur son oeuvre et insister sur l'amour profond qui lie Candy et Terry, réduisant à néant les pseudo-amourettes qui auraient pu s'y greffer via certains fans un peu trop imaginatifs. Non. Thank you very much for the update! HDSS.to – Film Streaming VF et Séries TV Gratuits, Regarder Les Derniers Meilleurs Films en Streaming sur hdssvf.tv. Una pequeña historia o Fanfic de la serie animada "Candy Candy" contando todo lo que vivió desde el final de la serie (Capítulo 115) hasta el "Candy Candy Final Story" ya que en este último no nos cuenta nada de lo que sucedió todo ese tiempo, en la que Candy tiene 30 años y … Hello, I’m very excited and about to begin reading, just wanted to leave a thank you! Good to know there are more fans interested in CCFS translations! Anyway, one thing I’d like to point out is that you have translated 大きく to “completely” (the day Candy’s life changed, the day Annie was adopted, etc.) I trace my fingers gently against her signature. I’ve read other versions of translation many many time, but reading yours, as I know that you’re unbiased, got me different sensation.