Jovan Hutton Pulitzer releases report showing numerous countries interfered in the 2020 election. Sign up here. The report also said that Mr. Grenell held up a memo in May from the National Intelligence Council about election security threats. 82 likes. Before that he was political correspondent for the Australian Financial Review. Facebook. by JD Rucker. Dans un communiqué du 13 novembre 2020, le Premier ministre a annoncé un projet de loi "dans les toutes prochaines semaines" qui prévoira un nouveau calendrier électoral et des aménagements à l'organisation des scrutins dans le sens des propositions du rapport de Jean-Louis Debré. Link Copied . Il propose le report du scrutin prévu en mars 2021 à juin 2021. Élection Oléron départementale. January 18, 2021. All agreed to speak on the condition of anonymity, so they could freely discuss internal deliberations. Michael Koziol is deputy editor of The Sun-Herald, based in Sydney. Read the ombusdman report on politicization of intelligence on foreign election threats. Pour éviter que ces élections se tiennent à des dates trop proches de l'élection présidentielle et des élections législatives de 2027, le projet de loi reporte les élections départementales, les élections régionales et les élections territoriales de Corse, Guyane et Martinique à décembre 2027. Missionné par le Premier ministre pour définir les conditions d'organisation des élections régionales et départementales dans un contexte de crise sanitaire, Jean-Louis Debré a rendu ses conclusions le 13 novembre 2020. ABC election analyst Antony Green said an election for the House of Representatives could be held at any time between August 2021 and August 2022 - but for the Senate, the latest date was May 2022. One of America’s biggest unsung heroes of the modern age is White House Director of Trade and Manufacturing Peter Navarro. Protection de l’enfance : de l’aide aux familles à la défense de... Projet de loi prorogeant l’état d’urgence sanitaire. Twitter. Pulitzer insists the only solution to see the real winners of the 2020 election at all levels is to forensically audit the ballots. The justification for an election will have to be solid because of the pandemic, but there are meetings of federal and state directors underway". At the same time, with the roll out of vaccines brought forward to February and the economy showing encouraging signs of growth, the second half of 2021 would appeal for myriad reasons. PUBLISHED 9:07 PM ET Feb. 03, 2021 PUBLISHED February 3, 2021 @9:07 PM. Pour la campagne électorale, les propositions sont les suivantes : Pour la tenue du scrutin, les propositions sont les suivantes : Élections régionales et départementales : vers un report en juin 2021. January 15, 2021 Randolph Jason. Missionné par le Premier ministre pour définir les conditions d'organisation des élections régionales et départementales dans un contexte de crise sanitaire, Jean-Louis Debré a rendu ses conclusions le 13 novembre 2020. To report this story, the Sun-Herald and Sunday Age spoke to 11 current and former members of the ministry and shadow ministry as well as party officials and senior advisers. The Point View All. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. Share. En cas de report, le Gouvernement devrait annoncer la nouvelle date des scrutins dès le début décembre 2020. Catherine … I think it will be October or November". After refusing to fast-track election-related lawsuits before Inauguration Day, the Supreme Court now confronts several pending cases alleging voting illegalities in swing states. Incumbent Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa delivers a speech following the results of Portugal's presidential election, in Lisbon, Monday, Jan. 25, 2021. 15.4k. Report: The Trump Campaign Paid an Arizona Lawmaker Amid Efforts to Overturn State Election Results The payment was disclosed in campaign’s latest financial disclosure. Special Report: Stolen election? "It could happen any time after July this year, but with the football finals that narrows it down to spring or early summer. Credit:Louise Kennerley. Revendication : New York Times Election Report Reveals 104,984 Stolen Votes in Ga, 347,768 in PA The only solution to see the real winners of the 2020 election at all levels is to forensically audit the ballots. Est-il pertinent de maintenir en mars 2021 les scrutins pour le renouvellement des conseils départementaux et des conseils régionaux, ainsi que le renouvellement des assemblées de Corse, de Guyane et de Martinique alors que l'état d'urgence sanitaire est prorogé jusqu'au 16 février 2021 ? In this Bongino Report, Statistical irregularities and impossibilities are revealed to expose voting manipulation which saw 30,000 Trump votes suddenly vanish in three Georgia counties, and go to Biden. On the Labor side, a similar view has developed about the likelihood of an election towards the back end of 2021. January 13, 2021. 04/10/2021 - 06/30/2021 07/15/2021 If two elections are held, political committees involved in both the special general (03/20/2021) and special runoff (04/24/2021) must file: Realistically, according to Mr Green, the second half of 2021 was shaping up as the likely time because of the South Australian state election in March 2022, public holidays in the first half of next year, the desire to avoid a half-Senate election and the May 2022 budget. Dans le même temps, l'instauration du confinement depuis le 29 octobre interdit tout rassemblement et l'état d'urgence sanitaire compromet le déroulement normal de la campagne électorale. SHARES. Pinterest. By Matt Skibinski, General Manager. 140. Programmatic advertising data shows that more than 1,600 top brands ran thousands of ads on sites publishing false claims about the 2020 Election over the past three months. Projet de loi portant report du renouvellement général des conseils départementaux, des conseils régionaux et des assemblées de Corse, de Guyane et... Neuf questions sur les élections régionales 2021, Sept questions sur les élections départementales. Wood is a conspiracy theory-promoting attorney whose outlandish claims of election fraud grew so unimaginable the Georgia Bar Association ordered him to be examined by a mental health expert. It’s Inauguration Day, which means … Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Friday "2022’s the election year, that’s when it’s due, [there is] too much to do this year. Republican Arizona Senate President Karen Fann has chosen a firm that produced a widely discredited report on voting in Michigan, and which includes a Trump campaign associate with a well-documented history of spreading false and baseless claims about the 2020 election, to conduct an audit of the election in Maricopa County, according to records obtained […] This year is about jobs, and that’s where my focus is". Le rapport souligne, par ailleurs, que la situation en Guyane devrait faire l'objet d'un examen spécifique. Afin de réévaluer la situation sanitaire à l'approche des élections, il est recommandé que le conseil scientifique remette un rapport directement au Parlement au printemps 2021. COMMENTARY. SHARE. James Massola is political correspondent for the Sun-Herald and MADISON, Wis. – More Wisconsinites voted in November's election than ever before and a new report from the Wisconsin Elections Commission shows there were very few problems and no evidence of fraud. The Liberal National Party’s Queensland’s senate ticket is to be decided by May 1 and Western Australia’s Liberal senate ticket is already locked in. Lin Wood is under investigation by the State of Georgia for possible voter fraud. Temps de lecture  Party preselections are getting under way across the country, with Liberal Party officials in some of the government’s key target seats telling members to get ready now for a poll they believe will be called for the spring of this year. Scott Morrison with baby Ned at a Liberal campaign rally in Launceston during the 2019 election. Australia could return to the polls by the end of the year. However, both MPs stressed the prime minister was not focused, yet, on locking in a date for the second half of 2021 and that the pandemic could derail any possible plan for an early poll. 140.2k. Let's talk about a writ of quo warranto. ATLANTA — Former President Donald Trump's efforts to overturn the Georgia's 2020 election results has led to an investigation being opened by the Secretary of State's Office, according to a report from Reuters. Party officials in neighbouring Gilmore, held by Labor by 2.6 per cent, believe a November 2021 election is the most likely, after the NSW local government elections in September. 3 minutes. Another senior government figure said that, assuming the roll-out of the vaccine proceeded smoothly, “why wouldn’t the prime minister go in October?”. The Prime Minister played down the prospect of 2021 election during a meeting of Coalition MPs late last year.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen. Inventor and data analyst Jovan Hutton Pulitzer released a report showing numerous countries interfered in the 2020 election. Senior members of the federal government and opposition are preparing for a 2021 election, with October or November shaping as the most likely month for the first COVID-19 national poll. Video: The Smoking Gun on Georgia Election Fraud. 0. "The PM is keeping his cards close to his chest, but he has sent signals. Le maintien des scrutins en mars 2021 suscite d'importantes objections de la part du conseil scientifique Covid-19 mais aussi des partis politiques, notamment sur les conditions d'organisation de la campagne électorale. Report of a hack attack from Rome. He was previously south-east Asia correspondent in Jakarta and chief political correspondent. Australia could return to the polls by the end of the year. Another Labor figure predicted the economy would be in better shape in 2021, compared to 2022, because of the long term economic impact of the coronavirus on some of Australia's major trading partners. Any later than that and a separate half Senate election would have to be held, something which has not happened since 1970. But there's another pathway to correct the results of the election that only came available AFTER Joe Biden was officially inaugurated. And if you look at the sitting calendar [which contains a six week non-sitting period from September 3 to October 17] it reinforces the view that the election this year," said one Labor MP. Peter Navarro releases mind-blowing third volume of report regarding depth of 2020 election fraud proving yet again that Trump’s victory was stolen by: JD Heyes for Natural News. The report included the work of Colonel Phil Waldron and his team. Dans le cadre de sa mission, Jean-Louis Debré a auditionné de nombreux responsables politiques (présidents des assemblées, présidents des groupes parlementaires, chefs de partis politiques, associations d'élus...) ainsi que des représentants de la communauté scientifique. Wood filed several cases alleging election fraud in an apparent quest to prove Donald Trump won the November 2020 election … A very common date has been October or November though Gillard and Rudd brought it forward a little bit to August or September.". Rapport d’information (…) sur la proposition de loi n° 3721... rapport remis au Premier ministre par Jean-Louis Debré, Direction de l'information légale et administrative.